The Hellenic Navy (HN) (Greek: Πολεμικό Ναυτικό, Polemikó Naftikó, abbreviated ΠΝ) is the naval force of Greece, part of the Greek Armed Forces. The modern Greek navy has its roots in the naval forces of various Aegean Islands, which fought in the Greek War of Independence. During the periods of monarchy (1833–1924 and 1936–1973) it was known as the Royal Navy (Βασιλικόν Ναυτικόν, Vasilikón Naftikón, abbreviated ΒΝ).The total displacement of all the navy's vessels is approximately 150,000 tons.The motto of the Hellenic Navy is "Μέγα το της Θαλάσσης Κράτος" from Thucydides' account of Pericles' oration on the eve of the Peloponnesian War. This has been roughly translated as "Great is the country that controls the sea". The Hellenic Navy's emblem consists of an anchor in front of a crossed Christian cross and trident, with the cross symbolizing Greek Orthodoxy, and the trident symbolizing Poseidon, the god of the sea in Greek mythology. Pericles' words are written across the top of the emblem. "The navy, as it represents a necessary weapon for Greece, should only be created for war and aim to victory."...............The Hellenic Merchant Marine refers to the Merchant Marine of Greece, engaged in commerce and transportation of goods and services universally. It consists of the merchant vessels owned by Greek civilians, flying either the Greek flag or a flag of convenience. Greece is a maritime nation by tradition, as shipping is arguably the oldest form of occupation of the Greeks and a key element of Greek economic activity since the ancient times. Nowadays, Greece has the largest merchant fleet in the world, which is the second largest contributor to the national economy after tourism and forms the backbone of world shipping. The Greek fleet flies a variety of flags, however some Greek shipowners gradually return to Greece following the changes to the legislative framework governing their operations and the improvement of infrastructure.Blogger Tips and Tricks
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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Russia...plays successfully..!!!... [ 1046 ]

The World Bank believes that Russia has successfully placed its Eurobonds

Alexei Kudrin. Photo: RIA Novosti

Apr 23, 2010 23:25 Moscow Time
The World Bank believes that Russia has successfully placed its Eurobonds.
Vice-President of this financial organization for Europe and Central Asia, Philip Le Wairua confirmed this, replying to reporters' questions at Friday's press briefing in Washington.

He expressed the belief that this was an additional "vote of confidence" in the Russian economy from the markets.

According to Le Wairua, the placement was made by Russian Vice-Premier and Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin on extremely favorable terms.

Dinosaurs died from sudden temperature drop .. [ 1045 ]

Dinosaurs died from sudden temperature drop 'not comet strike', scientists claim

Dinosaurs were wiped out by sudden drop in temperatures, not by comet striking the planet, scientists claimed.

One of the fossils discovered in the Svalbard by scientists who  have claimed it reveals the sudden drop in temperature which may  contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs: Dinosaurs died from  sudden temperature drop 'not comet strike', scientists claim
One of the fossils discovered in the Svalbard by scientists. Photo: SWNS

British researchers claim that a sudden plummeting in the sea temperature of 16F (9C) more than 137 million years ago was the first step towards their eventual road to extinction.

While studying fossils and minerals from the Arctic Svalbard, Norway, they concluded the sudden change in the Atlantic Gulf Stream during the Cretaceous period would almost certainly have wiped out the ''abundance'' of the world's dinosaurs.

But the new research suggests they were wiped out by a series of environmental changes, starting with a drop in sea temperatures.

Gregory Price, from Plymouth University, who led the study, said his team's research showed the drop in temperature happened when the Earth was in a ''greenhouse'' climate, which was very similar to now.

He found the drop in temperatures was so severe that numerous species of dinosaur previously living in warm, shallow seas, land and swamps would have died out.

''We believe dinosaurs were most likely to be cold-blooded creatures and would have needed the warmth to keep them alive,” he said.

“If they were unable to migrate south they could have been wiped out. Climate change is now very much on the agenda in trying to determine how the dinosaurs became extinct.

“We now believe that they died out gradually and it is very possible that this could have been caused by a series of climatic changes.''

The drop in temperature is thought to have occurred because high levels of CO2 were in the atmosphere which caused global temperatures to rise and polar ice to melt – a phenomenon currently predicted for Earth.

USA : Τεχνολογία υπό διερεύνηση...[ 1044 ]

Συμβατικά όπλα υψηλής ακρίβειας σε αντικατάσταση των πυρηνικών σχεδιάζουν οι ΗΠΑ

Οι αποτρεπτικές κεφαλές θα εκτοξεύονται από επίγειες βάσεις (φωτ.αρχείου)
Ουάσινγκτον 23-4-2010
Μία νέα γενιά συμβατικών όπλων που θα περιορίσουν την εξάρτηση των ΗΠΑ από το πυρηνικό τους οπλοστάσιο, το οποίο θα περιοριστεί μετά τη συμφωνία με τη Ρωσία, είναι υπό εξέταση, αναφέρει δημοσίευμα των New York Times.

Τα όπλα υψηλής ακρίβειας και ισχύος θα εκτοξεύονται από πυραύλους και θα μπορούν να πλήξουν στόχους σε όλο τον πλανήτη σε διάστημα μικρότερο από μία ώρα. Πρόκειται, σύμφωνα με τους σχεδιασμούς, για συμβατικές κεφαλές μεγάλου βάρους που θα ελίσσονται με ταχύτητα προς τον στόχο τους στο έδαφος ή προς βαλλιστικούς πυραύλους σε πτήση.

Μία πρώτη εκδοχή του συστήματος αναμένεται να δοκιμαστεί το 2014 ή το 2015 και να λειτουργήσει, με την προϋπόθεση ότι το περίπλοκο σύστημα θα ολοκληρωθεί, το νωρίτερο το 2017 ή αργότερα, το 2020.

Το κόστος παραμένει άγνωστο αλλά αναμένεται να είναι υψηλό. Την τελική απόφαση για την εφαρμογή του σχεδίου πρέπει να λάβει ο πρόεδρος των ΗΠΑ.

Η ιδέα για το σχέδιο «Αμεσο Παγκόσμιο Χτύπημα» (Prompt Global Strike) είχε προταθεί από την προηγούμενη κυβέρνηση αλλά οι σχεδιασμοί δεν προχώρησαν.

Η νέα κυβέρνηση υπό τον Μπαράκ Ομπάμα επανεξέτασε την πρόταση καθώς, όπως είχε δηλώσει ο πρόεδρος, πρέπει να δοθεί έμφαση σε μη-πυρηνικά όπλα που θα εξασφαλίζουν την αποτρεπτική ικανότητα των ΗΠΑ εκτός από τις πιο ακραίες περιπτώσεις.

Σύμφωνα με το δημοσίευμα, στη συμφωνία που υπέγραψαν τον Μάρτιο ο Μπ.Ομπάμν και ο Ρώσος πρόεδρος Ντμίτρι Μεντβέντεφ υπάρχει η πρόβλεψη, μετά από απαίτηση της Ρωσίας, ότι οι ΗΠΑ πρέπει να αποσύρουν ένα πυρηνικό όπλο για κάθε ένα από τα συμβατικά που τίθενται σε επιχειρησιακή δράση.

Αν το σχέδιο εφαρμοστεί, εκτιμούν αναλυτές, ο αριθμός των κεφαλών των ΗΠΑ θα μπορούσε να μειωθεί ακόμα περισσότερο.

Newsroom ΔΟΛ

Indian Ocean: Russian warships, large-scale exercises.[ 1043 ]

Russian warship Moskva prepares to call at port in Oman

Russian  missile cruiser Moskva, the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet.
The Russian missile cruiser " Moskva "

MOSCOW, April 24, 2010., 01:25 (RIA Novosti)

The Russian missile cruiser Moskva will call at the Omani port of Muscat on Saturday to replenish water and food supplies, a Navy spokesman said.

The flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, which left the port of the Ukrainian port of Sevastopol on April 9, has crossed the Suez Canal and is en route to the Indian Ocean to join other Russian warships for large-scale naval exercises.

The Moskva, a Slava-class missile cruiser with anti-aircraft and ASW capability, is to team up with the Pyotr Veliky nuclear-powered missile cruiser from Russia's Northern Fleet, which recently arrived in Syria's Mediterranean port of Tartus ahead of the drills.

Russia announced in 2007 that it was building up its naval presence throughout the world.

A Russian Pacific Fleet task force, comprised of the Marshal Shaposhnikov, an Udaloy class missile destroyer, a salvage tug and a tanker, is currently on an anti-piracy mission off the Somali coast.

Supermodel plans Russia’s wedding of the year [ 1042 ]

Supermodel Naomi Campbell and her upcoming wedding to Russian bizinessman Vladislav Doronin

 © Ekaterina  Chesnokova/RIA Novosti
23/04/2010 |

Alyona Topolyanskaya

Supermodel Naomi Campbell has picked her maid of honor for her upcoming wedding to Russian businessman Vladislav Doronin - and it looks as like Darya Zhukova, significant other of oligarch Roman Abramovich, will be in charge of Campbell's hen party.

Real estate magnate Doronin, 47, has reportedly invited 50 or so guests to a posh Middle Eastern restaurant in Moscow to celebrate the approaching nuptials - though a date has yet to be confirmed.

The Doronin-Campbell imminent wedding is said to be the most anticipated high society event of the year, RIA Novosti's Glamour section reported.

According to mutual friends, Naomi and Daria have been friends for a long time, and often spend time together in Moscow.

Celebrity gossip sites reported a month ago that Campbell is expecting a child with Doronin. The supermodel mum-to-be has apparently chosen a local clinic but will bring a doctor from abroad to supervise the birth.

The baby will be Naomi's first child, while Doronin has a 13-year-old daughter from his previous marriage.

That prior commitment scuppered plans for the couple to wed last June - Doronin's official divorce did not come through in time and the ceremony had to be postponed until he was a free agent again.

Moscow News №14F 2010 (22th of April, 2010)