The Powerful Proton-M
PRAVDA -(ENGLISH )The Proton-M features several modifications, which were designed to increase payload and reliability of the vehicle, compared to the previous version of the rocket, known as Proton-K. For the first time, a digital flight control system replaced traditional analog hardware onboard Proton. It allowed more efficient propellant consumption during the flight and, as a result, the delivery of bigger payloads into orbit. It can launch 3 to 3.2 tonnes (6600 to 7050 lb) into geostationary orbit or 5.5 tonnes (12,100 lb) into a geostationary transfer orbit. It can place up to 22 tonnes (48,500 lb) in low Earth orbit with a 51.6-degree inclination, the orbit of the International Space Station (ISS).
The rocket has become even more powerful thanks to a new version of the RD-253 engines on its first stage. Moscow's Energomash development center increased the trust of the engine from 151 to 160 tons. With these two improvements the Proton-M was able to deliver 22 tons of cargo into the low Earth orbit compared to 20.7 tons for the standard Proton-K booster.
The Proton M's improvements include modifications to the lower stages to reduce structural mass, increase thrust, and fully utilize propellants. Generally a Breeze-M storable propellant upper stage is used instead of the Block D or Block DM stage, eliminating the need for multiple fuel supplies and oxygen top-off due to boiling; however, the Proton-M has also flown with a Block-DM upper stage.
On 7 July 2007, ILS launched the first Proton Breeze M Enhanced vehicle, which carried the DirecTV-10 satellite into orbit. This was the 326th Proton mission, the 16th Proton Breeze M mission and the 41st ILS Proton mission.[8] The Proton-M Enhanced features more efficient engines on the first stage, updated avionics, improved tankage and more powerful vernier engines on the Briz-M upper stage, and weight reduction throughout the rocket.
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