The Hellenic Navy (HN) (Greek: Πολεμικό Ναυτικό, Polemikó Naftikó, abbreviated ΠΝ) is the naval force of Greece, part of the Greek Armed Forces. The modern Greek navy has its roots in the naval forces of various Aegean Islands, which fought in the Greek War of Independence. During the periods of monarchy (1833–1924 and 1936–1973) it was known as the Royal Navy (Βασιλικόν Ναυτικόν, Vasilikón Naftikón, abbreviated ΒΝ).The total displacement of all the navy's vessels is approximately 150,000 tons.The motto of the Hellenic Navy is "Μέγα το της Θαλάσσης Κράτος" from Thucydides' account of Pericles' oration on the eve of the Peloponnesian War. This has been roughly translated as "Great is the country that controls the sea". The Hellenic Navy's emblem consists of an anchor in front of a crossed Christian cross and trident, with the cross symbolizing Greek Orthodoxy, and the trident symbolizing Poseidon, the god of the sea in Greek mythology. Pericles' words are written across the top of the emblem. "The navy, as it represents a necessary weapon for Greece, should only be created for war and aim to victory."...............The Hellenic Merchant Marine refers to the Merchant Marine of Greece, engaged in commerce and transportation of goods and services universally. It consists of the merchant vessels owned by Greek civilians, flying either the Greek flag or a flag of convenience. Greece is a maritime nation by tradition, as shipping is arguably the oldest form of occupation of the Greeks and a key element of Greek economic activity since the ancient times. Nowadays, Greece has the largest merchant fleet in the world, which is the second largest contributor to the national economy after tourism and forms the backbone of world shipping. The Greek fleet flies a variety of flags, however some Greek shipowners gradually return to Greece following the changes to the legislative framework governing their operations and the improvement of infrastructure.Blogger Tips and Tricks
This is a bilingual blog in English and / or Greek and you can translate any post to any language by pressing on the appropriate flag....Note that there is provided below a scrolling text with the 30 recent posts...Αυτό είναι ένα δίγλωσσο blog στα Αγγλικά η/και στα Ελληνικά και μπορείτε να μεταφράσετε οποιοδήποτε ποστ σε οποιαδήποτε γλώσσα κάνοντας κλικ στη σχετική σημαία. Σημειωτέον ότι παρακάτω παρέχεται και ένα κινούμενο κείμενο με τα 30 πρόσφατα ποστς....This is a bilingual blog in English and / or Greek and you can translate any post to any language by pressing on the appropriate flag....Note that there is provided below a scrolling text with the 30 recent posts...Αυτό είναι ένα δίγλωσσο blog στα Αγγλικά η/και στα Ελληνικά και μπορείτε να μεταφράσετε οποιοδήποτε ποστ σε οποιαδήποτε γλώσσα κάνοντας κλικ στη σχετική σημαία. Σημειωτέον ότι παρακάτω παρέχεται και ένα κινούμενο κείμενο με τα 30 πρόσφατα ποστς.........

Monday, April 19, 2010

Δίπλα στην Ευελπίδων ο οπλισμός... [ 987 ]

Βρέθηκε στην Κυψέλη η κεντρική γιάφκα του «Επαναστατικού Αγώνα»

Φωτ. αρχείου
Αθήνα,, Mon April 19th, 2010
Τελευταία ενημέρωση 22:15

Ο οπλισμός της τρομοκρατικής οργάνωσης «Επαναστατικός Αγώνας» βρέθηκε το βράδυ της Δευτέρας σε διαμέρισμα στη διασταύρωση των οδών Αιγίνης 8 και Ύδρας στην Κυψέλη, δίπλα στα δικαστήρια της Ευελπίδων.

Το διαμέρισμα είχε ενοικιαστεί στο όνομα Αναστάσιος Γριβοκωστόπουλος, το οποίο είχε μία εκ των πλαστών ταυτοτήτων που εντοπίστηκαν στο αυτοκίνητο του κατηγορουμένου για την υπόθεση Κωνσταντίνου Γουρνά.

Όλη η γύρω περιοχή έχει αποκλειστεί ενώ για προληπτικούς λόγους εκκενώνεται η πολυκατοικία στην οποία βρίσκεται η γιάφκα. Εκτός από την Αντιτρομοκρατική επί τόπου βρίσκεται και πυροτεχνουργοί της ΕΛ.ΑΣ.

Η καταγραφή των ευρημάτων καθυστερεί, καθώς πρέπει να προηγηθεί τυπική διαδικασία ελέγχου του διαμερίσματος από το Τμήμα Εξουδετέρωσης Εκρηκτικών Μηχανισμών της αστυνομίας.

Newsroom ΔΟΛ

Iran's Military Strength on "Army Day " [ 986 ]

Iran Displays Military Strength on Army Day

President Ahmadinejad has praised Iran's armed forces and declared Iran is so strong that no one will dare attack it. Iran faces a massive U.S. presence across its borders with Afghanistan and Iraq

 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, second left, listens to  his Defense Minister, Gen. Ahmad Vahidi, as a rocket is paraded during  army parade ceremony marking National Army Day
Photo: AP

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, second left, listens to his Defense Minister, Gen. Ahmad Vahidi, as a rocket is paraded during army parade ceremony marking National Army Day, in front of mausoleum of the late Iranian revolutionary founder Ayatollah Khomeini, just outside Tehran, Iran, Sunday, April 18, 2010

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said his country is so strong no one will even think about attacking it. The president spoke Sunday as Iran marked Army Day with a military parade of the country's advanced missiles and weaponry.

Mr. Ahmadinejad watched as Ghadr, Sajjil and Shahab-3 missiles were brought out for display. The longest-ranged of the Iranian-built surface-to-surface missiles can reach Israel, which the president again denounced, and parts of southern Europe.

The Iranian leader said the nation's armed forces have so much power "no enemy will harbor evil thoughts about laying its hands on Iranian territory."

Speaking before a crowd gathered at a shrine to the Islamic Republic's founding father, Ayatollah Khomeini, Mr. Ahmadinejad also repeated his call for the state of Israel to come to an end. He said the costs now exceed the benefits to supporters of Israel, which he characterized as a "fake" and "declining regime."

Iran's continued anti-Israeli rhetoric has kept Israel from ruling out a preemptive strike against Tehran's disputed nuclear program. Iranian-made missiles are capable of carrying nuclear warheads, which some nations fear Tehran is seeking to build. Iran says its nuclear program has no military component.

President Ahmadinejad also told Western powers to leave the region, saying they should consider their own national security first. He said this was not a request, but an order from the nations of the region.

Iran faces a massive U.S. presence across its borders with Afghanistan and Iraq, though the latter will soon be reduced, as well as in the Persian Gulf.

Despite the proximity, Washington is reported to be at a loss about what to do with a potentially nuclear-armed Tehran.

The U.S. has been trying to beef up its diplomatic handling of the issue, pressing other nations to support a fourth round of U.N. sanctions against Tehran. President Barack Obama raised the issue again during a high-level nuclear summit in Washington last week.

Iran hosted its own nuclear meeting Saturday and Sunday, under the slogan "nuclear energy for all, nuclear weapons for no one." Its main supporters at the meeting were Iraq, Lebanon and Syria.

Αρνητικό ρεκόρ στο κόστος δανεισμού [ 985 ]

Έως και τις 481 μονάδες βάσης εκτοξεύθηκε το spread στα ομόλογα

Το κόστος δανεισμού είναι δυσβάστακτο για την Ελλάδα και μόνο περιθώριο δείχνει η προσφυγή στο ΔΝΤ
Αθήνα ,,,19-4-2010
Τελευταία ενημέρωση 15:50

Η διαφορά απόδοσης (επιτοκίου) μεταξύ του 10ετούς κρατικού ομολόγου αναφοράς με τον αντίστοιχο γερμανικό τίτλο διευρύνθηκε την Δευτέρα σε νέο επίπεδο-ρεκόρ, καθώς στις αγορές εκτιμούν ότι η ενεργοποίηση του μηχανισμού στήριξης είναι «θέμα χρόνου».

Συγκεκριμένα, το spread διευρύνθηκε μέχρι και τις 481 μονάδες βάσης, υψηλότερο επίπεδο από τον Οκτώβριο του 1998, από 430 την περασμένη Παρασκευή. Η αγορά άνοιξε με το spread στις 432 μονάδες. Η απόδοση του 10ετούς τίτλου διαμορφώνεται στο 7,75%, ενώ άνοιξε στο 7,38%.

Σημειώνεται ότι το αντίστοιχο spread στα πορτογαλικά ομόλογα είναι 147 μονάδες (+8 μονάδες έναντι της Παρασκευής) και στα ιρλανδικά 153 (+6 μονάδες έναντι της περασμένης εβδομάδας).

Το επιτόκιο του -περισσότερο ευμετάβλητου- 2ετούς ομολόγου αυξάνεται κατά 0,70% στο 7,32%.

Μετά το πολύ υψηλό επιτόκιο που πλήρωσε το Ελληνικό Δημόσιο, την περασμένη εβδομάδα, για να αντλήσει συνολικά 1,92 δισ. ευρώ με τα ετήσια και εξάμηνα έντοκα γραμμάτια, την Τρίτη γίνεται η δημοπρασία τρίμηνων γραμματίων (13 εβδομάδων) συνολικού ύψους 1,5 δισ. ευρώ.

Ενδεχομένως, ο ΟΔΔΗΧ θα αντλήσει μεγαλύτερο ποσό, κοντά στα 2 δισ. ευρώ.

Έτσι, καλύπτονται οι δανειακές ανάγκες του Δημοσίου για τον Απρίλιο και τμήμα του Μαΐου. Για να καλυφθούν πλήρως και οι ανάγκες του Μαΐου χρειάζονται περί τα 8 δισ. ευρώ.

Μειώνονται οι κερδοσκοπικές θέσεις

Αξίζει, ακόμα, να σημειωθεί, ότι σύμφωνα με τα διαθέσιμα στοιχεία, φαίνεται ότι μειώνονται οι κερδοσκοπικές θέσεις στα ελληνικά ομόλογα.

Σύμφωνα με τα τελευταία στοιχεία της Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation, υπεύθυνηw για τη συλλογή των παγκόσμιων δεδομένων για τις συναλλαγές στην αγορά ασφαλίστρων κινδύνου), οι κερδοσκόποι των CDS, έχουν αφήσει πλέον την Ελλάδα, η οποία μάλιστα είδε και την μεγαλύτερη εβδομαδιαία μείωση καθαρών θέσεων στα CDS που άγγιξε τα 367 εκατ. δολάρια.

Η μεγαλύτερη αύξηση θέσεων παρατηρήθηκε στα γαλλικά, ισπανικά και πορτογαλικά CDS.

Οι χώρες οι οποίες σύμφωνα με τα στοιχεία της DTCC είδαν τις μεγαλύτερες μειώσεις στοιχημάτων στην αγορά των CDS την τελευταία εβδομάδα, ήταν η Ελλάδα (-367,4 εκατ. δολάρια), η Τουρκία (-228 εκατ. δολάρια) και η Κολομβία κατά 89 εκατ. δολάρια.

Στον αντίποδα., οι χώρες στις οποίες συνέβη η μεγαλύτερη αύξηση είναι η Γαλλία (+185,6 εκατ. δολάρια), η Ισπανία (+145,5 εκατ. δολάρια) και η Πορτογαλία με 138,3 εκατ. ευρώ.

Newsroom ΔΟΛ

Europe airspace. seeks moves to reopen..[ 984 ]

Airline body seeks moves to reopen Europe airspace

Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:12am EDT

PARIS (Reuters) - Airline industry group IATA called on Monday for steps to reopen European airspace shut down by a volcanic ash cloud and the European Commission said it may approve compensation for airlines losing $250 million a day.


IATA head Giovanni Bisignani criticized authorities in Europe who he said had "missed opportunities to fly safely."

"This volcano has crippled the aviation sector, firstly in Europe and is now having worldwide implications. The scale of the economic impact (on aviation) is now greater than 9/11 when U.S. airspace was closed for three days," Bisignani said, referring to the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.

"We must move away from this blanket closure and find ways to flexibly open air space, step by step," he told a news briefing in Paris.

Airline shares fell in early trade on Monday and the European Union's competition chief Joaquin Almunia said the EU Commission is considering loosening stringent rules for state aid to help airlines hit by the flight cancellations.

"I am looking carefully at what we did after September 11. We can use similar instruments. We are indeed facing exceptional circumstances," he said.

After the September 11 attacks the Commission allowed aid to compensate airlines for losses directly resulting from the attacks and made it easier for airlines to coordinate capacity.

European transport ministers are due to discuss the airspace crisis at 9 a.m. ET after a meeting of the European aviation control agency Eurocontrol, which said on Monday it expected between 8,000 and 9,000 flights to operate in Europe.

That would represent just 30 percent of normal flight traffic, compared to earlier predictions by European Union officials that half of flights could be operating on Monday.

Over the weekend only a fifth of normal flights were flown and figures released by Eurocontrol show 80,000 fewer flights in Europe since Thursday compared to the same period a week ago.

Austria opened its airports on Monday but other countries kept no-fly decrees in place. Italy closed its northern airspace after briefly opening it on Monday.

Millions of passengers have been stranded by the closure of most of Europe's airspace, and trade has also been hit.

Businesses dependent on fast air freight have felt the early impact of the disruption. Kenya's flower exporters said they were already losing up to $2 million a day. Kenya accounts for about a third of flower imports into the European Union.

In export-reliant Taiwan, the island's two major international carriers China Airlines and Eva Air said they had canceled a total of 14 cargo flights to four European airports since Thursday.

In Britain, companies reported staff had been unable to get back from Easter holidays abroad and hospitals said they were cancelling some operations because surgeons were stuck abroad.

Britain's official weather forecaster the Met Office released a graphic predicting little movement of the ash plume over Europe on Monday, but saw it spreading toward the eastern seaboard of North America.

"The wind flow is staying very much the same through the day. Probably for the next three or four days the wind regime is not going to change terribly much," a Met Office spokesman said.

Bisignani called for urgent action to safely re-open airspace and called for a meeting of the International Civil Aviation Organization, the United Nations aviation body.

"We have to make decisions based on the real situation and not on theoretical models. They (the authorities) have missed opportunities to fly safely," he said.

A senior European Union official said on Sunday the current situation was not sustainable, as airlines called for a review of no-fly decrees after conducting test flights at the weekend without any apparent problems from the ash cloud.

"We cannot wait until the ash flows just disappear," said EU Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas, adding he hoped 50 percent of European airspace would be risk-free on Monday.

Dutch airline KLM, which has flown several test flights, said most European airspace was safe despite the plume of ash, and dispatched two commercial freight flights to Asia on Sunday.


Volcanic ash is abrasive and can strip off aerodynamic surfaces and paralyze an aircraft engine. Aircraft electronics and windshields can also be damaged.

Glass build-up was found in an engine of a NATO F-16 fighter plane, underscoring the dangers to aircraft flying through the ash cloud, a senior U.S. official said on Monday.

The official did not identify the location or the exact time of the incident or the nationality of the aircraft.

Some airline industry officials complain the response to the threat from the ash has been out of proportion, saying volcanoes in other parts of the world cause less disruption.

Senior Eurocontrol official Brian Flynn said on Sunday the International Civil Aviation Organization published global rules and guidelines for interpretation at continental level.

"One could say that the guidelines are interpreted slightly more rigorously in Europe than in the United States, when it comes to responsibilities of air traffic control agencies and pilots," he told Reuters.

Iceland's Meteorological Office said the erupting volcano sent further strong tremors throughout the surrounding area on Monday but ash production had fallen.

The ash plume which has caused air traffic chaos has descended to an altitude of about 2 km (1.2 miles), compared with 11 km when it began erupting on Wednesday from below the Eyjafjallajokull glacier.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Britain would deploy three Royal Naval ships including an aircraft carrier to bring home citizens. British travel agents' association ABTA said it estimated 150,000 Britons were stranded abroad.

"At no time in living memory has British airspace been shut down and affected this many people," said a spokeswoman.

The crisis is having an impact on international diplomacy, with Pakistani Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani becoming the latest leader to abandon a visit to Europe. A joint IMF and European Union mission to Greece was also delayed.

For travellers, businesses and financial markets, the biggest problem is the unpredictability of the situation.

Economists say they stand by their predictions for European growth, hoping normal air travel can resume this week.

But if European airspace were closed for months, one economist estimated lost travel and tourism revenue alone could knock 1-2 percentage points off regional growth. European growth had been predicted at 1-1.5 percent for 2010.

"That would mean a lot of European countries wouldn't get any growth this year," said Chatham House senior economic fellow Vanessa Rossi. "But the problem is it is incredibly hard to predict what will happen. Even the geologists can't tell us."

Disruption spread to Asia, where dozens of Europe-bound flights were canceled and hotels from Beijing to Singapore strained to accommodate stranded passengers. In Tokyo, Japan Airlines said it had canceled 44 European flights so far and All Nippon Airways put its cancellations at 27.

Many U.S. airline flights to and from Europe were canceled.

Russian airports remained open, routing planes to North America over the North Pole to avoid the ash cloud.

(Reporting by London, Geneva, Dublin, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, Reykjavik, Washington, Frankfurt and Berlin newsrooms; Writing by Dominic Evans; Editing by Matthew Jones)

The corvette Cheonan, raised from the Yellow Sea bottom [ 983 ]

S. Korean president vows action over sinking of warship

By the CNN Wire Staff
April 19, 2010 3:05 a.m. EDT
A giant floating crane lifts the stern of the South Korean warship  onto a barge.
A giant floating crane lifts the stern of the South Korean warship onto a barge.

(CNN) -- An emotional President Lee Myung-bak vowed Monday to find out why a South Korean naval ship sank and to "deal resolutely" with whatever or whomever caused the sinking, the country's Yonhap news agency reported.

In a live broadcast, Lee read aloud the names of the 46 South Korean sailors lost in the March 26 sinking of the corvette Cheonan, which went down in the Yellow Sea near the North Korean border after an explosion hit the ship.

"As president, I will ascertain the cause of the Cheonan's sinking to the last detail," Lee said, according to Yonhap. "I will deal resolutely with the results and make sure such an incident does not recur."

A South Korean investigator said Friday that an "external explosion" was the most likely cause of the mysterious sinking.

Video: Sunken ship pulled from water

"There is a higher possibility of an external rather than an internal explosion," said Yoon Duk-yong, the co-head of a government-appointed team to investigate the incident.

Yoon's comment was based on a preliminary investigation of the stern wreckage. He added, however, that it was necessary "to make a detailed analysis, leaving all possibilities open."

The Cheonan's stern section, where the missing sailors were believed to have been trapped, was raised from the Yellow Sea bottom Thursday. The bow section is yet to be salvaged, and Yonhap said efforts to do that were being hampered by strong currents and bad weather in the area.

Of the Cheonan's 104-man crew, 58 men were rescued from the sea on the night of the explosion. Thirty-eight bodies have so far been recovered; eight remain missing.

South Korean Defense Minister Kim Tae-young on Friday called the sinking "a grave national security incident."

While Seoul has avoided blaming North Korea, Kim has said that a sea mine or torpedo appear the most likely causes. The media has been rife with speculation -- theories aired range from an internal boiler explosion to a North Korean naval special forces attack.

Yonhap said on Saturday, North Korea's military denied any involvement, accusing the South of spreading false rumors.

South Korean Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan said Sunday that South Korea might take the case to the U.N. Security Council if North Korea is found to be responsible, Yonhap reported.

Lee's aides said once the cause is determined, Lee will again speak to his countrymen, possibly in a "special address to the people," according to Yonhap.

The news agency reported that after reading the names of the 46 lost sailors, Lee said, "If (the two Koreas) are reunited and genuine peace and prosperity comes to this land, the people will remember your sacrifice again".

"Your fatherland, which you loved, will not forget you ever."