Sheriff outside Fort Leonard Wood prepares for possible Muslims extremist attacks on scools
Pulaski County Daily News ^ | 5/1/2010 | Sheriff J.B. King
Posted on Κυριακή, 2 Μάιος 2010 4:44:50 πμ by darrellmaurina
This weekend, we are once again hosting the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) training at the old Waynesville Technical Academy. This weekend our reserve deputies are there along with officers from other agencies and the military police from Fort Leonard Wood. The training is fast-paced and covers a lot of ground. I realize that many people will not like or understand what I will say next, but I will write the words anyway.
There will come a time when another terror strike by Muslim extremists will hit the United States. They will not use airplanes this time; they will use foot soldiers attacking soft targets on American soil.
Under our current federal law the United States military cannot help us in such a terror strike against our schools, hospitals, or other targets that they attack. The job of stopping the armed attack will fall to American law enforcement officers. The 9/11 attack demonstrated that they do know how to plan and execute the plan for the maximum results.
The 9/11 attack produced sheer horror for our citizens and so will the next attack. The “holy war against the west” will sooner or later be fought on American soil. Use your computer and surf the web for information about the terror attack in Beslan, Russia, on Sept. 1, 2004.
You will not like what you read and if you have the reaction that “it could not happen here,” I will remind you that there used to be twin towers standing in New York City. I am the guy who will be held responsible in the aftermath of any such attack and I am doing what I can to prepare for the problem.
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