The Hellenic Navy (HN) (Greek: Πολεμικό Ναυτικό, Polemikó Naftikó, abbreviated ΠΝ) is the naval force of Greece, part of the Greek Armed Forces. The modern Greek navy has its roots in the naval forces of various Aegean Islands, which fought in the Greek War of Independence. During the periods of monarchy (1833–1924 and 1936–1973) it was known as the Royal Navy (Βασιλικόν Ναυτικόν, Vasilikón Naftikón, abbreviated ΒΝ).The total displacement of all the navy's vessels is approximately 150,000 tons.The motto of the Hellenic Navy is "Μέγα το της Θαλάσσης Κράτος" from Thucydides' account of Pericles' oration on the eve of the Peloponnesian War. This has been roughly translated as "Great is the country that controls the sea". The Hellenic Navy's emblem consists of an anchor in front of a crossed Christian cross and trident, with the cross symbolizing Greek Orthodoxy, and the trident symbolizing Poseidon, the god of the sea in Greek mythology. Pericles' words are written across the top of the emblem. "The navy, as it represents a necessary weapon for Greece, should only be created for war and aim to victory."...............The Hellenic Merchant Marine refers to the Merchant Marine of Greece, engaged in commerce and transportation of goods and services universally. It consists of the merchant vessels owned by Greek civilians, flying either the Greek flag or a flag of convenience. Greece is a maritime nation by tradition, as shipping is arguably the oldest form of occupation of the Greeks and a key element of Greek economic activity since the ancient times. Nowadays, Greece has the largest merchant fleet in the world, which is the second largest contributor to the national economy after tourism and forms the backbone of world shipping. The Greek fleet flies a variety of flags, however some Greek shipowners gradually return to Greece following the changes to the legislative framework governing their operations and the improvement of infrastructure.Blogger Tips and Tricks
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Friday, April 16, 2010

Major Battles of Greaco-Persian Wars [ 952 ]


It was one of major battles of Graeco-Persian wars which took place from B.C. 492to B.C. 448. Although, this battle has less fame than another major field battles, such as the Battle of Marathon and The battle of Thermopylae, it was turning point for the Athens.

The   Battle of Salamis

Historical Background

Conflicts between Persian and Greek

At that time, the world was under control of the Persian Empire. Persians established immense empire from West Asia to Cacausus areas. To expand their land to the west, this thriving empire had to conquer Greek city states. They constantly invaded Greek through many their king's reigns.

The battle of Salamis took place during the reign of Persian king, Xerxes, the son of Darius the Great of Persia whom invaded Ionian area. Several city-states in Ionia confederated and rose in rebellion against Persian Empire. Darius the Great sent Persian army and put down a rebellion. When Ionian city-states asked aides, only Athens sent army for them. Consequently, the Persians settled the plan to invade Athens and another Greek city states which allied with Ionians.

When Persians invaded Greek mainland again, Athenians confronted Persian large forces in the field of Marathon, which is situated in north-east from Athens. After this battle, one messenger ran to the Athens and conveyed the victory of their army. He died when he accomplished his mission. His mission became the inspiration for the Marathon race of modern Olympic Games.

Invasion of Persian

Darius, the Great planned the invasion to the Athens again, but he died before he carried out plans and this mission was handed down to his son. Xerxes wasn't warlike man, but his followers didn't let him stay in Persia. He settled invasion plan and gathered men from his colonial areas. When he was ready to war, his army marched to the Greek mainland. Herodotus assumed Persian army was around 5.28 million, but modern Sagas calculated estimated army was 360,000.

They marched down along coastline, because their navy supplied food and arms. Finally, Persian army arrived at Takis of Malis which is located nearby Thermopylae, this was the key point of the Central Greek. If Greeks lose this area, Athens might be devastated by Persians. South Greek 31 city states allied and sent their army against Persians. Spartans were the leader of this allied army.

At August 18, B.C.480 the battle of Thermopylae had joined, Leonidas, a king of Sparta confronted Persian army with 7,000 Greek army. Persian army was twentyfold than Greeks. For two days, Persians couldn't defeat small Greek army. Crafty Xerxes asked to the Spartan traitor the shortcut which is directly connected to Thermopylae. Soon, the Persian contingent took a shortcut. Greek allied army suggested to Leonidas to retreat from Thermopylae, but this brave king and his 300 bodyguards left and had battle with Persians.

While Leonidas and his army were in the battle, Greek city states' fleets were gathered at Artemisium and mainland to support Greek army in Thermopylae. Xerxes penetrated this Greek strategy and sent his naval fleet to here.

On the way to Artemisium, Persian fleet lost a lot of warships during a heavy rainstorm. And they lost more warships at the Battle of Artemisium. This was one of the reasons which Greek fleet defeated Persian fleet at the Battle of Salamis. However, Greek Historian Herodotus claimed that Persians filled the loses by another Greek city states in Aegean Sea which were under the Persians.

When Greek fleets were told the defeat of the Battle of Thermopylae, they withdrew and headed to the island of Salamis to evacuate their people from their states to another safe place.

The Battle

Fleet and commanders

Fleet and commanders

Winner : Greek fleet Persian fleet
Commander Commander-in-chief : Eurybiades, Spartan commander
Themistocles, Athens commander
Commander-in-chief : Xerxes I of Persia
Warships Between 300~370 tiremes, and smaller 50-oared pentekonters Around 800 warships, (Conservative estimate : 650 tiremes, Greek historians claim : over 10,000)

Council of war


After Athens escaped to the island of Salamis, the leaders of 31 united Greeks had meeting. Spartans asserted to withdraw to the Strait of Korint which is located nearby their land. Athens opposed to this idea, because they knew their people would be scapegoat of massacre by Persian army.

The result of meeting was in the dark. Themistocles went out of meeting site and thought the way to let Greek fleets stay in island of Salamis. After few minutes, he sent his dutiful and Persian slave to the Xerxes with the letter. He wrote the division of united Greeks and made Xerxes to believe they would win if they attack this island as soon as possible.

Xeres made an order to their navy to attack Greek fleets in island of Salamis. When Greek leaders were told the Persian fleet was coming to the island, they had no choice. They prepared the battle.

While Greeks were preparing the battle, Xerxes were at the mountain Aigaleos to observe the battle. By his side, his entourage wrote down the name of the warship which destroyed much Greek warships.

Battle has joined

The Persians divided their fleet to send some ships around the island and made them to cut off the Greeks. Remaining warships had to divide their fleet again, cause the islet in front of the island of Salamis. They sailed into the Strait of Salamis, while Greeks were making a line of battle.

Greeks pretended to be overwhelmed by the Persian fleet and tricked the Persians to believe that Greeks were retreating. Though Persian ships were not easy to enter the strait of Salamis, they suddenly entered into the sea to chase Greek warships. Soon, Persian warships were mixed together and couldn't move either forward or backward.

When Persian warships entered, Greeks winded a ship and attacked first. Themistocles' strategy was to break the line of battle by their ships' bronze ram. Greek ships started rammed down Persian warships gradually and they surrounded Persians. The Persian warships at the front line were trying to retreat, but their rout of retreat was stuck by another Persians ships. While Greeks lost only 40 ships, Persians lost about 200 warships and they were sunk in the sea.


The Athens' fleet led the victory and the Golden Age of Athens started by this battle. After this battle, Persians invaded Athens again, but Greeks defeated them.

When Graeco-Persian wars were ended, Athens established Athenian Empire and Greek became one of the powerful countries in Mediterranean Sea.

The Modern Hellenic Navy celebrates this day's victory as Battle of the Salamis day in every 12 September.

On the other hand, Persian Empire had more frequent rebellions in their colonial areas. It lasted 150 years more, till the Alexander the Great defeated the last Persian king's army.

The Liberal Democrats in UK..[ 951 ]

General Election 2010: Liberal Democrats surge after Nick Clegg's TV debate performance

The Liberal Democrats have enjoyed a 14 per cent surge in support among viewers who watched last night’s general election debate.

A new poll of the voting intentions of a group of 4,000 people who watched the programme dramatically propelled the Liberal Democrats into second place in the election campaign.

The poll by ITV/ComRes put Liberal Democrat support at 35 per cent, up 14 per cent.

The Conservatives were at 36 per cent, down 3 per cent compared to before the head-to-head studio debate.

Labour was at 24 per cent, down 3 per cent, and others were at 5 per cent, down 8 per cent.

An average of 9.4 million viewers watched last night's debate between Mr Clegg, Gordon Brown and David Cameron.

However because of the demographics of the television audience, when the poll results were weighted to include the entire electorate, the Liberal Democrats' share of the vote slipped back to 24 per cent.

These weighted results put the Conservatives on 35 per cent and Labour on 28 per cent, a seven-point lead.

If the results of the poll of those who saw the programme were replicated through the population as a whole at the May 6 general election campaign, the Liberal Democrats would win 159 seats.

The LibDems party would still be the third biggest party in Parliament, just behind Labour (165 seats) and Conservative (294 seats), according to website Electoralcalculus.

This discrepancy is because of the first past the post system and constituency boundaries which allow Labour to win more core seats with a relatively low share of the vote.

Meanwhile bookmaker William Hill slashed the odds on the LibDems to win with an overall majority from 300-1 to 25-1. They are also now 14-1 to be the largest single party, down from 100-1.

Lord Ashdown, the former Liberal Democrats leader, hailed their leader's performance as a potential "game-changer".

However, Mr Clegg sought to play down how much of an impact the debate would have on May 6.

"The leaders' debate is the first step. There's still quite a long way to go until people make up their minds, there are more leaders' debates.

"Hopefully it will have given people the sense that there are some real choices to be made.

Another survey in the wake of the leaders’ debate found that 61 per cent of viewers thought he came out on top over Gordon Brown and David Cameron.

The Tory leader acknowledged that Mr Clegg had had a "good debate" while his party went on the offensive against "eccentric" Liberal Democrat policies.

Shadow children's secretary Michael Gove warned that Mr Clegg's policies would now come under intense scrutiny.

He highlighted Lib Dem plans to join the euro, scrap the Trident nuclear deterrent and offer an amnesty to illegal immigrants, which, he said, lay well outside the political mainstream.

"The greater degree of scrutiny these policies have, the more that people will realise that while Nick Clegg is a very attractive individual in many ways, the policies of his party are outside the mainstream and a little bit eccentric – not necessarily what you would want at a time of crisis and difficulty," he told Sky News.

Airborne Volcanic Ash from Iceland. [ 950 ]

Sweden reopens Northern Airspace

Smoke and  steam hangs over the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland
Swedish authorities have begun reopening airspace in the north of the country as aviation authorities track the movements of airborne volcanic ash from Iceland.
Air travel is expected to remain disrupted for at least another 24 hours.
Passengers  stranded as ash cloud nears

Passengers stranded as ash cloud nears

Cancelled departures have left Stockholm-Arlanda airport thronged with disappointed passengers after a cloud of volcanic ash from Iceland caused aviation authorities to shut down Swedish airspace.

Click for more

China :Earthquake death toll climbs [ 948 ]

Chinese premier visits quake zone as death toll climbs

By the CNN Wire Staff
April 16, 2010 1:38 a.m. EDT
  • NEW: Premier Wen Jiabao traveled to China's earthquake-devastated zone Thursday night to inspect the damage
  • Over 760 people dead, over 11,000 others injured in 6.9-magnitude quake
  • Quake toppled 15,000 homes in and around Yushu, over 100,000 people fled the area
  • Rescue effort hampered by unstable bridges and collapsed roadways
  • Quake shook Qinghai province around 8 a.m. Wednesday

Jiegu, China (CNN) -- As rescuers raced against the clock to pull survivors from the rubble, Premier Wen Jiabao traveled to China's earthquake-devastated zone Thursday night to inspect the damage and assure victims that the search would continue.

"Your suffering is our suffering," Wen said. "We are going through the same pain as you are. The family members you lost are also our family members, and we grieve for them as you do."

Wen climbed over the rubble of buildings and spoke with residents in the predominantly ethnic Tibetan region.

"As long as there is a slight hope, we will never give up," he said. "We need to unite as one, to do a good job in our rescue work. At the same time, I assure everyone, that we will definitely make life good here again."

Both Wen and Chinese President Hu Jintao postponed planned foreign trips because of the disaster.

Video: Rescue from the rubble
Video: Search for survivors in China earthquake
Video: Earthquake devastates China
Map: Earthquake in China

Wen postponed a scheduled visit to Brunei, Indonesia and Myanmar. Hu called the presidents of Chile and Venezuela to postpone his mid-April visits to those countries.

"During this difficult time, I need to be home as soon as possible together with our people providing relief," he said.

The death toll from Wednesday's 6.9-magnitude quake that struck the predominantly Tibetan prefecture of Yushu China's southern Qinghai province soared to 760 on Thursday, with more than 11,000 injured, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

The powerful quake toppled about 15,000 homes in and around Yushu county, and caused more than 100,000 people to flee the area, said Zou Ming, director general of Disaster Relief Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

In Jiegu, the town closest to the epicenter, people were taken to a sporting field serving as a makeshift hospital -- there are no hospitals in the town.

More than 85 percent of Jiegu's poorly constructed mud and brick houses collapsed. They were homes for ethnic Tibetans, among China's poorest people making a living as farmers and herdsmen.

Along the town's main street, all that was left of two hotels was a pile of rubble. Residents and monks used hand shovels and ropes to clear debris in hopes of reaching survivors.

Thursday's rescue effort was hampered by unstable bridges and collapsed roadways, making it difficult for heavy equipment to get to hard-hit areas, including Jiegu.

But after five hours of digging, rescuers were able to pull four survivors from a guest house in the area Thursday afternoon, state television reported.

Authorities have said more than 1,000 people were saved in similar rescues.

Qinghai province
Population: 5 million
People: 44 ethnic groups, including Tibetans and Mongols
Average elevation: Over 3,000 meters above sea level
Geography: Qilian Mountains, the Qingnan Plateau and the source of the Yangtze, Mekong and Yellow Rivers
GDP: US$3.2 billion; average GDP per capita US$639
Industries: Agriculture, hydropower, oil and natural gas

Source: China Internet Information Center

CNN's John Vause, Licia Yee and Jo Ling Kent contributed to this report.

Haruki Murakami's hit series [ 947 ]

'1Q84' mania returns with imminent release of Book 3 of Haruki Murakami's hit series
Posters advertising the release of Book 3 of Haruki Murakami's
Posters advertising the release of Book 3 of Haruki Murakami's "1Q84" series hang in a Books Sanseido branch in Tokyo's Jimbocho neighborhood on Wednesday

(Mainichi Japan) April 15, 2010,,

Excitement over the third installment of author Haruki Murakami's hit "1Q84" series is reaching fever pitch in advance of the book's Friday release, with some bookshops set to put the latest volume on sale at the stroke of midnight.

Books 1 and 2, released together in May last year, have sold a combined 2.44 million copies, and Book 3 is expected to reach similar smash hit status.

"In these tough times for publishing, bookshops, too, rush to stock the hot sellers," says Yoshiaki Kiyota, president of Shuppan News Co., a publishing news outlet. "Reader expectation is high, and it's turned into a hungry market. This is happy news for the publishing industry," he continued, adding "1Q84 Book 3" is certain to become a runaway best seller.

Shinchosha Publishing Co. printed 200,000 copies of Book 1 and 180,000 of Book 2 when the novel first went on sale, not nearly enough to cover the flood of orders that greeted the books' release, and many bookshops went quickly out of stock. In anticipation of a similarly enthusiastic response, Book 3 will have an initial run of 500,000 copies.

However, with some 25,000 pre-orders already logged with Internet bookseller Amazon as of April 8, even 500,000 looks to be too few, and Shinchosha has already made plans for another 200,000-copy run.

New books usually arrive in storefronts at different times depending on region. "1Q84 Book 3," however, will hit bookshelves across the country simultaneously, according to the publisher. Meanwhile the content and cover of the book have been kept top secret, which has served only to further stoke readers' anticipation.

Some shops, including the Aoyama Book Center's Roppongi branch and the Tsutaya at Shibuya's famed scramble intersection, will begin sales of the book at midnight, while Books Sanseido in Tokyo's Jimbocho neighborhood and Maruzen in the Marunouchi district will open special "1Q84" booths at 7 a.m. Friday.