The Hellenic Navy (HN) (Greek: Πολεμικό Ναυτικό, Polemikó Naftikó, abbreviated ΠΝ) is the naval force of Greece, part of the Greek Armed Forces. The modern Greek navy has its roots in the naval forces of various Aegean Islands, which fought in the Greek War of Independence. During the periods of monarchy (1833–1924 and 1936–1973) it was known as the Royal Navy (Βασιλικόν Ναυτικόν, Vasilikón Naftikón, abbreviated ΒΝ).The total displacement of all the navy's vessels is approximately 150,000 tons.The motto of the Hellenic Navy is "Μέγα το της Θαλάσσης Κράτος" from Thucydides' account of Pericles' oration on the eve of the Peloponnesian War. This has been roughly translated as "Great is the country that controls the sea". The Hellenic Navy's emblem consists of an anchor in front of a crossed Christian cross and trident, with the cross symbolizing Greek Orthodoxy, and the trident symbolizing Poseidon, the god of the sea in Greek mythology. Pericles' words are written across the top of the emblem. "The navy, as it represents a necessary weapon for Greece, should only be created for war and aim to victory."...............The Hellenic Merchant Marine refers to the Merchant Marine of Greece, engaged in commerce and transportation of goods and services universally. It consists of the merchant vessels owned by Greek civilians, flying either the Greek flag or a flag of convenience. Greece is a maritime nation by tradition, as shipping is arguably the oldest form of occupation of the Greeks and a key element of Greek economic activity since the ancient times. Nowadays, Greece has the largest merchant fleet in the world, which is the second largest contributor to the national economy after tourism and forms the backbone of world shipping. The Greek fleet flies a variety of flags, however some Greek shipowners gradually return to Greece following the changes to the legislative framework governing their operations and the improvement of infrastructure.Blogger Tips and Tricks
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Monday, April 12, 2010

India has expressed concerns about Pakistan . [ 905 ]

Indian PM expresses concerns over Pakistan to US

Manmohan Singh and Barack Obama
The two leaders had a 50-minute-long meeting

BBC, Monday, 12 April 2010 05:44 UK

Indian PM Manmohan Singh has expressed concerns about neighbouring Pakistan to US President Barack Obama ahead of a nuclear security summit in Washington.

Mr Singh told Mr Obama that Pakistan's government lacked the will to punish those responsible for the Mumbai attacks, Foreign Secretary N Rao said.

The November 2008 attacks left 174 people dead, including nine gunmen and soured ties between India and Pakistan.

Late last year, Pakistan charged seven people in connection with the attacks.

They include the suspected mastermind Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, who is alleged to head the Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba.

In his 50-minute meeting with Mr Obama, Mr Singh spoke about the activities of Lashkar-e-Taiba and "also the fact that unfortunately there was no will on the part of the government of Pakistan to punish those responsible for the terrorist crimes in Mumbai," Ms Rao told reporters.

'State elements'

India put peace talks on hold after the attacks, blaming them on Pakistan-based militants. Pakistan admitted they had been partly planned on its soil.

India has also suggested what it calls "state elements" were involved. Both Pakistan and Lashkar-e-Taiba have denied any involvement.

In February, the two sides held their first formal talks since the 2008 attacks and agreed to "remain in touch".

Mr Singh and Mr Obama also discussed nuclear security and non-proliferation, Afghanistan, food security and reduction of poverty, reports said.

Mr Obama also met Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani.

Mr Gilani "indicated his assurance that Pakistan takes nuclear security seriously and has appropriate safeguards in place," the White House said in a statement.

Leaders from 40 states are attending the meeting in Washington which is expected to focus on how to secure nuclear material.

Sudan's landmark polls... [ 904 ]

Sudan's landmark polls off to an uncertain start

A Sudanese man casts his vote at a polling station near the south  central Sudanese town of Bor, 11 April
Election results are expected on 18 April

BBC ,,.Page last updated at 03:59 GMT,- Monday, 12 April 2010 04:59 UK

Sudan's first multi-party elections in 24 years are going into their second day amid reports of confusion and disarray in many regions.

While the process generally went well in the capital Khartoum, voters faced obstacles in several states from the Red Sea in the north to the far south.

The dominant party in the south is calling for a four-day extension.

The presidential, parliamentary and state polls are part of the deal that ended Sudan's north-south civil war.

The BBC's Martin Plaut in Khartoum says Sudan has seen little peace since independence in 1956, and to hold an election as complex as this one, in a country so underdeveloped, was always going to be a tall order.

'A good feeling'

It is widely expected that the country's two most influential men, President Omar al-Bashir, and Silva Kiir, who leads largely autonomous Southern Sudan, will retain their positions.

First multi-party polls in 24 years
Polls to elect president and 450-member national assembly, as well as governors and legislative bodies for 25 states
Complicated process, with some in the south having to cast 12 different votes
Several opposition parties have boycotted the polls, alleging fraud
Results to be announced 18 April
Southern Sudan due to hold independence referendum in January 2011

Mr Bashir is seeking a democratic mandate since being indicted by the International Criminal Court for alleged war crimes in Darfur but a boycott of the poll by his two main challengers means his mandate is likely to be reduced.

Mr Kiir, who is standing unopposed, was forced to wait for his polling station to open in the southern capital Juba but he said afterwards that he had a "good feeling" about the country's political future.

"I have never voted in my life," he said. "This is my first time to vote and it is a good feeling that Sudan is going back to democracy."

Voting in parts of Khartoum was held up by delays in getting ballots to polling stations, ballot mix-ups and names missing from the electoral roll, Reuters news agency reports.

In the south, many polling stations opened late and many voters, including senior officials, could not find their names on voter rolls.

The elections are also complicated by the ongoing low-level civil war in Darfur, where some three million people are living in refugee camps.

The BBC's Mohamed Khalid, in the Darfur city of Fasher, says the turnout was surprisingly high there amid tight security, but there were no reports of any rebel attacks.

The north-south civil war ended in 2005, with a deal for the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) to share power with Mr Bashir's National Congress Party nationally, while running affairs in the south on its own.

For many in Southern Sudan, these elections are a prelude to a referendum next January on possible independence.

President Bashir has said he will accept the referendum result, even if it favours independence for the south.

However, the country's oil fields lie along the north-south border and some fear that an independence bid could lead to renewed conflict.

Graphs of development in Sudan
Southern Sudan All Sudan
Population: 7.5m to 9.7m Population: 42.2m
Area: 640,000 sq km Area: 2.5m sq km
Maternal mortality: 1,700 deaths per 100,000 births Maternal mortality: 1,107 deaths per 100,000 births
Access to clean water: 50% Access to clean water: 70%
Life expectancy: 42 years Life expectancy: 58.92 years
Sources: CIA, UN, UNFPA

New Orleans: Gunfire in the French Quarter [ 904 ]

7 shot near New Orleans' French Quarter
Rick Jervis, USA TODAY, Μον Απριλ 12τη, 2010
NEW ORLEANS — A dispute lingering from Carnival season between two men escalated into gunfire just outside the French Quarter this past weekend, resulting in seven gunshot victims and casting a negative light on the tourist-driven district.
It's not clear if the injured bystanders, ranging in age from 15 to 50, were out-of-town tourists enjoying the French Quarter Festival, a three-day music and food celebration that ended Sunday, or local residents, New Orleans Police Assistant Superintendent Marlon Defillo said.

More than 50 extra officers were patrolling Canal Street because of the festival, which had just ended for the night, but were unable to capture the assailant, who managed to blend in with the crowd and escape, he said.

"Unfortunately, you have individuals with total disregard to public safety who decided to act violently," Defillo said. No one was seriously hurt, he said.

Six of the victims were treated with minor injuries and released from area hospitals, he said. The seventh was one of the two men in the argument and remained in guarded condition.

New Orleans had been enjoying an unexpected surge of tourists to the city thanks to the New Orleans Saints' triumphant run to the Super Bowl, followed by a robust Mardi Gras season.

French Quarter Festival, an outdoor event that showcases dozens of local bands, had again drawn thousands of visitors to the city.

The Checkered Parrot, a sports bar located around the corner from Saturday's shooting, is having its most profitable year since opening in 2007, thanks to the Saints run and a string of conventions, manager Tiffany Grant said. But incidents such as the shooting could quickly put the brakes on a good year, she said.

"It hits home too much when it's in the French Quarter," Grant said. "This is the most tourist-populated area of the city."

On April 23, the city will host the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, a multi-day music and cultural event that in past years has attracted 400,000 visitors.

Saturday's incident began at around 9 p.m., when the two men ran into each other at the McDonald's restaurant on Canal Street on the western edge of the French Quarter, Defillo said.

When they walked outside, one of the men was handed a semi-automatic handgun by an acquaintance and began shooting at the victim on the crowded street, he said.

On Sunday, the shooting didn't appear to have an effect on the last day of the festival, as crowds strolled through the historic district, enjoying the music and the sun-splashed day.

Hans Wakeman, 45, of Atlanta, attended with his wife and three children, ages 10 to 15. He said the incident didn't alter his visit or deter him from returning some day.

"In New Orleans, you always expect a little rowdiness," he said. "We'll be back. There's no place like it for the music."

Hungary: Sweeping victory for "Fidesz"..[ 903 ]

Fidesz wins Hungary election

Budapest ,BBJ ONLINE-Monday 7:55, April 12th, 2010
Viktor Orbán declared a sweeping victory for his center-right Fidesz party Sunday and told supporters that leading Hungary as prime minister would be the biggest task of his life.

Orban, the prime ministerial candidate of Fidesz, says the challenge is to defeat "hoplelessness" [EPA]

All the opinion polls had pointed to a Fidesz victory, and the weight of expectation to act quickly to put Hungary back on a track of sustainable growth after near financial collapse will be immense, from Hungarians and investors alike.

Fidesz pushed the ruling Socialists to a distant second, ahead of the far-right Jobbik party, but it was still not immediately clear whether Fidesz would win the two thirds majority in parliament it needs push through vital reforms.

A second round of voting will be held on April 25 when the remaining 121 seats will be decided.

Economists say Orbán will need to implement deep reforms to reduce the local government sector and make the health care and education systems more efficient.

"On this splendid day Hungarians have expressed that Hungary is united, Hungary has power, is able to do great things, it wants, jobs, order and safety, Hungarians have shown to the world that it's again good to be Hungarian," he told 2,000 cheering supporters in central Budapest.

He said Hungarians had "defeated hopelessness," adding: "I feel it with all my nerves and know it deep in my heart that I face the biggest task of my life. I will need all the Hungarian people to solve that."

Fidesz, which last ruled between 1998 and 2002, campaigned on cutting taxes, creating jobs and supporting local businesses to boost to Hungary's ailing economy.

"We have been waiting for this for eight years; no, for 22 years, since Fidesz was founded," Magdolna Karbácz an entrepreneur from the western city of Szekesfehervar said at Fidesz headquarters in downtown Budapest.

The Socialist government led by technocrat Gordon Bajnai since April 2009 made painful budget cuts to rein in the deficit under a deal led by the International Monetary Fund, which provided emergency financing for Hungary amid a crisis in 2008.

The country's economy contracted by 6.3% last year, while unemployment is running at 11.4% - the highest since 1994 - which has further increased public discontent.


Fidesz secured 206 out of 386 parliamentary seats, the National Election Committee said on its website based on numbers on individual constituencies and party list votes. The Socialists gained 28 seats, ahead of the far-right Jobbik party which had 26 seats in the first round.

Green liberal LMP is the fourth party which passed the threshold to get into parliament, and secured 5 seats.

Analysts said ahead of the results that if Fidesz won 53%-55% of party list votes and 120-130 seats in individual constituencies in the first round, it stands a strong chance of securing two-thirds of the seats.

"The Socialists and Jobbik are below 20%. This means that Fidesz has a good chance to garner two-thirds of parliament seats even if it will lose some seats in the second round," said Attila Juhász, analyst at Political Capital after the results.

Orbán was the prime minister heading the last Fidesz government and many supporters hope his government will restore Hungary's national pride.

Analysts said Fidesz' strong victory was expected to have a neutral or slightly positive impact on financial markets and the forint Monday as the election result had been expected."I expect moderate strengthening of the forint and a drop in government bond yields tomorrow ... Global developments like Greek news and US economic figures are also supportive," said analyst Gergely Suppán of Takarékbank. (Reuters)

Έφοδοι της Αντιτρομοκρατικής..[ 902 ]

Σφίγγει ο κλοιός για τη γιάφκα με τον οπλισμό του Επαναστατικού Αγώνα

Αθήνα - Ειδησεις, 12-4-2010

Μπαράζ εφόδων σε κατοικίες σε Κυψέλη, Περιστέρι και Νέα Φιλαδέλφεια πραγματοποίησε στη διάρκεια της νύχτας η Αντιτρομοκρατική, εντείνοντας τις προσπάθειες για τον εντοπισμό της γιάφκας με τον οπλισμό του Επαναστατικού Αγώνα.

Newsroom ΔΟΛ

Ελλάδα: Περισσότερες ειδήσεις